Goals/ Bucket list


  • Manage my money better
  • Study abroad
  • Graduate college
  • Become a Marine Biologist
  • Become successful
  • Fall in love and have a family
  • Give my mother what she has always wanted

I want to try to manage my money better because I feel i am spending too much on things I don’t need. I want to save that money for when i need it. Currently I have not taken out any loans and I hope to be debt free by the time I graduate from Iowa State . Hopefully at Iowa state, I will be able to study abroad in South Korea. I’ve always been fascinated with their culture and language ever since freshman/ sophomore year of high school. Soon after, I hope to graduate from college with a degree in my major and make my mother proud. I’ve always wanted to be a marine biologist ever since I was little and my mind hasn’t changed since then. I just want to be swimming in the water, surrounded by marine life all while studying them and enjoying life. I also hope to become successful and not have to worry about money. By becoming successful, i want to buy my mother something she has wanted such as buying a house or sending her off on a paid vacation.Just something to show that I am grateful for everything she has done for my siblings and I. Lastly I want to fall in love and have 3-4 children.

Bucket list

  • Go Campaniling
  • Rush the field
  • Attend VEISHEA
  • Climb a mountain
  • Skydiving
  • Travel
  • Speak 3-4 languages fluently

Everything on my bucket list I hope to accomplish during my life.Firstly I want to go campaniling sometime during these 4 years. I then want to rush the field or court after a big win. After seeing videos/ pictures of people doing that, seems like an awesome time. Since this year’s VEISHEA’s was cancelled, I hope to attend it, within a couple of years.  I also want to climb a mountain. I don’t have a mountain that I particularly want to climb. If I had to pick one, It would more than likely be Mount Everest. Skydiving sounds sounds awesome! Just the idea of Jumping out of a plane and  falling and feeling like you are flying, sounds like blast. I hope to travel around the world and explore different countries and experience different cultures and cuisines. The last thing on my bucket list that I absolutely want to do is being able to speak 3-4 languages fluently. I can already speak English and Spanish and I am learning Korean and French. I’ve been learning Korean and French, on and off for about 3-4 years. I can read, write and understand Korean more than french but french is easier to learn since it is similar to Spanish.


  1. HaganDaazWillis · October 6, 2014

    I’m the same way about money management! It’s pretty tough I’ll admit. I’d like to see a different country as well but not as many as you want to see. Haha


  2. mhoward12 · October 7, 2014

    I am terrible with managing my money! I’m always reluctant at first, but once the first purchase is made, all reason is gone! I think it’s awesome that you think for others than just yourself as you plan your life out. Those are the kinds of people who really will make a change in this world! I hope you accomplish all of your goals in life. Good luck!


  3. lnschmidt · October 7, 2014

    I think its awesome that you know what you want to do with your life! You seem really passionate about marine biology and that is great! I think knowing two languages is a wonderful asset to have, let alone four! That is really impressive… I can barely get the basics of Spanish. Sky diving sounds super fun! I would probably be the one to chicken out if I were to go though.


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